25 November 2014

DOAG Conference 2014

The DOAG Conference took place in Nuermberg (Germany) last week with more than 2000 attendees. Markus Flierl (@MarkusFlierl1, VP Solaris Development at Oracle) did the Opening Keynote about Solaris and SPARC. SPARC M7 sounds very promising for Solaris and the Oracle database.

Because most attendees are from the German speaking countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) most articles and presentations are in German.

DOAG Homepage

Links to my 3 presentations about Solaris and LDoms (German only)
Effizienter Solaris 11 Betrieb mit VDCF (2 MB PDF)
Wie setzt Swisscom Solaris 11 ein (2 MB PDF)
LDOM Performance optimieren  (2 MB PDF)


My Name is Marcel Hofstetter. I am from Switzerland (Europe).
Since 1998 I use Solaris. After 16 years experience, it is time to start my own Blog.
My primary focus is about the Virtualization Technologies LDoms and Solaris Zones.