25 June 2024

How to send files to Oracle Support SR using ASR Manager

Most of the time it is required to attach additional files to Oracle Support Cases,
for example ILOM/XSCF snapshots or Logfiles.

If you use the ASR Manager on Solaris it is very easy to attach
additional files. It includes a transport tool. No need to copy files to
your local machine and to upload using a Browser.

Check if you use the ASR Manager

# svcs |grep asrm
online         2024-05-08T17:29:45 svc:/application/management/asrm:default

You can just copy your files into this directory


The files need to start with your SR-Number, for example

The files are transported to Oracle Support and attached
to your SR every 10 minutes.

You can check the state using

/opt/asrmanager/bin/sftransport info

24 May 2024

New Features in Solaris 11.4 SRU69 (May 2024)

Another quarterly Solaris SRU including new features

zoneadm log
autofs SMF refresh
ps -I (ISO 8601 format)
svccfg setnotify from= header
modinfo -x

26 March 2024

Solaris 11.4 SRU60 - fc port tabular output

The default output of fcinfo hba-port contains a lot of values,
but is not optimal if you are looking for a specific attribute

# fcinfo hba-port 2100000e1ef99410
HBA Port WWN: 2100000e1ef99410
        Port Mode: Initiator
        Port ID: 10200
        OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c5
        Manufacturer: Marvell Technology, Inc
        Model: 7023303
        Firmware Version: 8.08.04
        FCode/BIOS Version:  BIOS: 3.19; fcode: 4.02; EFI: 5.36;
        Serial Number: 463916R+1729340085
        Driver Name: qlc
        Driver Version: 230206-5.12
        Type: N-port
        State: online
        Supported Speeds: 4Gb 8Gb 16Gb
        Current Speed: 8Gb
        Node WWN: 2000000e1ef99410
        Max NPIV Ports: 253
        NPIV port list:

Solaris 11.4 SRU60 (August 2023) introduces the new -T, -O and -o flags

default tabular format

# fcinfo hba-port -T 2100000e1ef99410
2100000e1ef99410 NA               Initiator c5      online  8Gb

Output for admins

# fcinfo hba-port -o port_wwn,driver_name,link_failure_count,state,speed 2100000e1ef99410
2100000e1ef99410 qlc                 1                  online  8Gb

Output for scripts

# fcinfo hba-port -O port_wwn,driver_name,link_failure_count,state,speed 2100000e1ef99410

23 February 2024

New Features in Solaris 11.4 SRU66 (Feb 2024)

Another quarterly Solaris SRU including new features

dns/client: usevc/use-vc options
ptree -z zone -g
fractional seconds in log messages (messages, syslog)

FOSS: Apache Tomcat 9
EOF: PHP 8.0, GCC 10
Removed: ipf2pf, MySQL 5.7


Find details on the Oracle Solaris SRU66 blog 


30 January 2024

Oracle offers Extended Support for Solaris 11.4 now till at least 2037

In 2023 Oracle has changed the Extended Support for Solaris 10 and Solaris 11.3
from January 2025 to January 2027.

Now Oracle adds another 3 years to Solaris 11.4 to November 2037.
This is a long term commitment I'm not aware of any other OS vendor.
New features are delivered every quarter using SRUs.

You can find all the Support dates in
