19 March 2018

Oracle SPARC CPUs compared

Oracle produced several new SPARC CPUs in the recent years.

At JomaSoft we compared the performance using our own VDCF Solaris Management Application.
VDCF is running in a LDom using only 1 core. The VDCF function we used to compare is a typical single thread task. See the results of our tests below. The VDCF function runs around 1.5x faster with each new CPU.


  1. Hello Marcel,

    S7-2L Server documentation doesn't show the Root_Complex PCIe configuration. 2 PCIe slot are available so I assume it's stil posisble. Wondering to get your view on the reason why this functionality is not anymore pushed by Oracle.
    Thanks for all your userful sharing over your blog and others.
    Best regards,

  2. root complexes is just a feature of larger systems.
