25 February 2022

Solaris 11.4 SRU42 (Feb 2022) - /var/share/cores FS and coreadm defaults

/var/share/cores is now a separate filesystem

-bash-5.1$ zfs list rpool/VARSHARE/cores
rpool/VARSHARE/cores   31K  22.1G    31K  /var/share/cores

If you upgrade from a previous SRU to SRU42 or later,
cleanup /var/share/cores first, because the files
will be migrated to the new filesystem.

coreadm has now better defaults for the core file naming

root@marcel49:~# coreadm | head -3
     global core file pattern: /var/cores/core.%z.%f.%u.%p
     global core file content: default
kernel zone core file pattern: /var/cores/kzone.%z.%t

with this new core file pattern, the cores can be easier identified
and are less often overwritten.

root@marcel49:~# ls -lh /var/cores/core.marcel49.sleep.0.21198
-rw-------   1 root     root       4.16M Feb 25 13:19 /var/cores/core.marcel49.sleep.0.21198

If the pattern was not configured before the upgrade to SRU42 or later
the new default is set automatically.

If you used another pattern before you upgraded to SRU42 or later
you can set it manually to the new standard/default.

coreadm -g /var/cores/core.%z.%f.%u.%p

23 February 2022

Solaris 11.4 SRU42 (Feb 2022) - LDom Migration Class 2

SRU42 introduced a new LDom Migration Class. This class
allows to do Cross CPU Live Migration between SPARC S7,M7 and M8
CPUs. LDoms using this migration-class2 can use the ADI features
of this new CPUs and still can Live Migrate between this modern
SPARC Servers.

To change the cpu-arch setting you need to shutdown and unbind
your LDom

# ldm stop g0061
# ldm unbind g0061
# ldm set-domain cpu-arch=migration-class2 g0061
# ldm bind g0061
# ldm start g0061

The JomaSoft VDCF Management Software recognises this new
cpu-arch with Version 8.2.2 or later.

Find out more about VDCF

21 February 2022

Solaris 11.4 SRU42 (Feb 2022) - ansible

The Oracle Solaris 11.4 SRU42  (Feb 2022) delivers ansible 2.10.
It is not installed by default. To use ansible install this 3 packages

pkg install ansible jinja2 pyyaml

Then create your own small ansible config file

-bash-5.1$ cat .ansible.cfg

and you are ready to start

-bash-5.1$ ansible --version
ansible 2.10.15.post0
  config file = /export/home/marcel/.ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/export/home/marcel/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.7/vendor-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.7.10 (default, Dec 22 2021, 02:24:16) [GCC 10.3.0]

The ansible Users Guide can be found here

18 February 2022

Solaris 11.4 SRU42 (Feb 2022) - zpool status -s

zpool status -s does now report many details about
the allocations on the disks

-bash-5.1$ zpool status -s all v0144_data

  pool: v0144_data
    id: 13650650466694793377
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0 in 1s with 0 errors on Thu Jan 20 08:24:49 2022

v0144_d  ONLINE    0     0     0     -     -     -    -     -     - 15.4G 34.3G  31.0
  c1d1   ONLINE    0     0     0   512   512   512    -     -     - 7.26G 12.6G  36.5
  c1d6   ONLINE    0     0     0   512   512   512    -     -     -  8.1G 21.6G  27.2
errors: No known data errors

16 February 2022

New Features in Solaris 11.4 SRU42 (Feb 2022)

Every month after the CPU (Critical Patch Update) Oracle releases
a new feature Release for Oracle Solaris.

In February 2022 it is a BIG one

Ansible 2.10
OpenSSL 3.0
ldm command enhancements
Ldom migration-class2 for SPARC T7/S7/T8
split -b
coreadm enhanced defaults
zpool -s flag
Apache 2.4.52
new FS /var/share/cores

and many, many FOSS updates

Stay tuned for more blogs about this new features