28 December 2023

zfs help properties

Solaris zfs has many properties. to see the possible values you can use zfs help -l properties.

-bash-5.2$ zfs help -l properties | wc -l

The "DELEG" column was added in Solaris 11.4 SRU63 (November 2023)

-bash-5.2$ zfs help -l properties
PROPERTY                            EDIT  INHERIT  DELEG  VALUES
aclinherit                           YES      YES    YES  discard | noallow | restricted | passthrough | passthrough-x | passthrough-mode-preserve
aclmode                              YES      YES    YES  discard | mask | passthrough
atime                                YES      YES    YES  on | off
available                             NO       NO     NO  <size>
canmount                             YES       NO    YES  on | off | noauto
casesensitivity                       NO      YES    YES  sensitive | insensitive | mixed
checksum                             YES      YES    YES  on | off | fletcher2 | fletcher4 | sha256
compression                          YES      YES    YES  on | off | lzjb | gzip | gzip-[1-9] | zle | lz4

18 November 2023

New Features in Solaris 11.4 SRU63 (Nov 2023)

Another quarterly Solaris SRU including new features

LDAP setup for Active Directory domain
ldap commands: -h / -p have been deprecated
Strict Mode for Live Memory Reconfig for Kernel Zones
ZFS File Retention Autodelete and Hold
prstat -s usr/sys (sort key)
sysadm maintain noreboot

Removed: SMF svc:/system/auto-update:ehc

16 October 2023

SPARC Firmware Live Update

The newest SPARC Firmware 9.10.6 can be updated live, without
downtime of the server, if you are already on 9.10.3 or newer.
This applies to SPARC M8,M7,T8,T7 and S7 servers.

Live Update of the ILOM is done since serveral years,
but now even the Hypervisor is updated live ...

Befor the update

-bash-5.1$ ldm -V

Logical Domains Manager (v
        Hypervisor control protocol v 1.16
        Using Hypervisor MD v 1.4

System PROM:
        Hostconfig      v. 1.11.9       @(#)Hostconfig 1.11.9 2022/10/20 00:54
        Hypervisor      ROM v. 1.20.6.b @(#)Hypervisor 1.20.6.b 2022/10/20 00:40
        OpenBoot        v. 4.43.9       @(#)OpenBoot 4.43.9 2022/10/20 00:32

# fwupdate update all -x /var/firmware/system/S7-2/sysfw9-10/p35402495_9106/Firmware/Sun_System_Firmware/metadata.xml

The following actions will be taken:
ID        Priority Action      Status      Old Firmware Ver.   Proposed Ver.       New Firmware Ver.   System Reboot
sp        1        Check FW    Success     9.10.5              9.10.6              N/A                 N/A
During SP FIRMWARE update SP may not be available for 400 seconds
Do you wish to process the above actions? [y/n]? y
Update sp: Updating sp: Success
Waiting for service processor to reset and recover
Sleeping for 60 seconds.
Checking whether the service processor has finished booting.
Service processor has not finished booting yet.
Sleeping for 60 seconds.
Checking whether the service processor has finished booting.
Service processor has not finished booting yet.
Sleeping for 60 seconds.
Checking whether the service processor has finished booting.
Service processor has not finished booting yet.
Sleeping for 60 seconds.
Checking whether the service processor has finished booting.
Service processor finished booting.

Verifying all priority 1 updates

Execution Summary
ID        Priority Action      Status      Old Firmware Ver.   Proposed Ver.       New Firmware Ver.   System Reboot
sp        1        Validate    Success     9.10.5              9.10.6              9.10.6              N/A

after the update

-bash-5.1$ ldm -V

Logical Domains Manager (v
        Hypervisor control protocol v 1.16
        Using Hypervisor MD v 1.4

System PROM:
        Hostconfig      v. 1.11.9       @(#)Hostconfig 1.11.9 2022/10/20 00:54
        Hypervisor      ROM v. 1.20.6.b @(#)Hypervisor 1.20.6.c 2023/03/09 00:20
        OpenBoot        v. 4.43.9       @(#)OpenBoot 4.43.9 2022/10/20 00:32

-> show /HOST hostfw_status

        hostfw_status = Host firmware update pending; HV live-patch applied

29 September 2023

25 September 2023

Impact of new openssh 9.3p1 on Solaris 11.4.60

When connecting to an old server you may see

-bash-5.2$ ssh g0083
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

or if you try to connect from an old system to Solaris 11.4.60 or newer

-bash-4.4$ ssh g0049
no hostkey alg

This is because the new openssh version on Solaris 11.4.60 has sha-1 hash disabled by default.
It is recommended to update your old systems to newer versions.

On Solaris 11.3 you need to:
pkg install openssh
pkg set-mediator -I openssh ssh

If this is not possible as a workaround you can enable sha-1 on the new Solaris server
for the target systems in /etc/ssh/ssh_config and/or sshd_config

Host g0083
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa

22 August 2023

New Features in Solaris 11.4 SRU60 (Aug 2023)

Another quarterly Solaris SRU including new features

iostat -S (separator)
coreadm -d asr to disable ASR SR
svccfg setnotify problem-diagnosed asr:inactive to disable ASR SR
no /etc/vfstab entry required anymore for swap
fcinfo hba-port -T (tabular format)
pkgadd: -d http & https removed

FOSS: OpenSSH_9.3p1
EOF: pcre
Removed: CVS, perl 5.32


26 July 2023

Overview of Solaris ZFS blog posts

I wanted to write a blog post about ZFS encryption and found
there was already a post in 2020.

It looks like it's time for an overview about such posts

Solaris 11.4 SRU42 (Feb 2022) - zpool status -s

Don't remove Data Disks from Solaris Zpools if performance is important

Performance Impact of ZFS Encryption on Oracle Solaris

Oracle Database on Solaris ZFS done right

Solaris 11.4 Beta: Fast (asynchronous) ZFS destroy

Is there a performance impact when using Solaris ZFS lz4 compression?

02 June 2023

New Features in Solaris 11.4 SRU57 (May 2023)

Another quarterly Solaris SRU including new features

Kernel Zone live storage migration support for individual disk operations
Kernel Zone Virtual CPU binding improvements
Kernel Zone MRP reservation for Nested Page Tables
Comments for reboot(8), halt(8), and poweroff(8)
pbind(8) default output change for querying multi-LWP processes
Courteous NFS Server
Force flag for shrinking ZFS volumes
ZFS send with raw crypto

FOSS: PHP 8.2, MySQL 8.0
EOF:  CVS, MySQL 5.7
Removed: Python 2.7, PHP 7.4, Ruby 2.6, OpenSSL 1.1.1

20 March 2023

15 February 2023

New Features in Solaris 11.4 SRU54 (February 2023)

Another quarterly Solaris SRU including new features

16 byte EUI-64 LUN GUID identifier for Kernel Zones
snapdestroy ZFS permission
--scale option in dlstat/flowstat/ipstat/tcpstat/quota

FOSS: Python 3.11, GCC 12.2.0

05 January 2023

I/O experiences with Solaris X86 on OCI

Ultra High Performance(UHP) block volumes can't be attached to Solaris
at the moment using ISCSI. This type of volume can only be attached
paravirtualized to a VM.
The volume should be able to handle 1200MB/s.
The maximum I could reach on a large VM was 750MB/s.

Best solution seems to use Balanced with Auto-tune.
I/O limits are based on the volume size, for example
for a 50GB volume the limit is at 30MB/s

Highest for a 1TB volume is around 600MB/s on bare metal.
On a large VM I could reach the same 600MB/s. Looks like
the virtualization layer has no impact on the performance.

On smaller VMs the performance is limited
by the network speed and the number of CPUs.
With 2 cores the maximum I reached was around 250MB/s